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Data privacy policy - scroll down page to review for each application


Terms and conditions - scroll down page to review for each application


homepage VR | ZOSU Studios LLC

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. May,  16, 2024: ZOSU Zoo (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support, availability and updates are not guaranteed. 


User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Data Policy - Data Privacy Policy

Rev. May 16, 2024: ZOSU Zoo (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 



Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. Sept,  22 2023: Gallery Smash Mixed Reality Hand Tracking (on metaquest) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support, availability and updates are not guaranteed. 


User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy - Data Privacy Policy

Rev. Sept,  22 2023: Gallery Smash Mixed Reality Hand Tracking: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 



Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. Sept,  22 2023: Jungle Zoo Ocean Passthrough Handtracking Demo (on metaquest) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support, availability and updates are not guaranteed. 


As this is a demo the contents could increase or decrease as well.


User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy - Data Privacy Policy

Rev. Sept,  22 2023: Jungle Zoo Ocean Passthrough Handtracking Demo: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 




Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. July 20, 2023: ZOSU Ocean Demo (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy

Rev. July 20, 2023: ZOSU Ocean Demo (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 




Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. July 20, 2023: ZCM Escape Beta (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy

Rev. July 20, 2023: ZCM Escape Beta (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 



Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. July 20, 2023: ZOSU Zoo Demo (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. August 16, 2023: Jungle Zoo Ocean Passthrough Handtracking (on metaquest) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy - Data Privacy Policy

Rev. August 16, 2023 Jungle Zoo Ocean Passthrough Handtracking (on MetaQuest): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 



Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. July 20, 2023: ZOSU Ocean Demo (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy

Rev. July 20, 2023: ZOSU Ocean Demo (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 




Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. July 20, 2023: ZCM Escape Beta (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy

Rev. July 20, 2023: ZCM Escape Beta (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 



Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. July 20, 2023: ZOSU Zoo Demo (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy

Rev. July 20, 2023: ZOSU Zoo Demo  (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 







Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. July 7,  2023: Gallery Smash (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Data Policy

Rev. July 7, 2023: Gallery Smash (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 



Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. July 12, 2023: Zoo Home , and Zoo Home Demo (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Data Policy

Rev. July 12, 2023: Zoo Home, and Zoo Home Demo (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the device automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 






Data Policy

Rev. 4/24/2023: ZOSU Zoo VR (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Pico automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. April 24, 2023: ZOSU Zoo  (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Data privacy policy. 


Privacy Policy / Data Policy

Rev. 7/7/2023: ZOSU Ocean (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the store automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other "PlayerPref" data that is only saved locally by the app. as applicable. ("PlayerPref" data stays on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). Contact with any questions or request for data privacy and to remove any data collected by ZOSU Studios LLC (there is no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact).

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 7-7-23: ZOSU Ocean (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC and any affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.







Data Policy

Rev. 4/24/2023: ZOSU Ocean VR on SteamVR: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the store automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 4-24-23: ZOSU Ocean VR on SteamVR- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Data Policy

Rev. 4/24/2023: ZOSU Zoo VR (on Pico): No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Pico automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 4-24-23: ZOSU Zoo VR (on Pico) - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Data Policy

Rev. 4/24/2023: Jungle Passthrough Demo on MetaQuest: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never sees it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, but if there was this would be the contact) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 4-24-23: Jungle Passthrough Demo on MetaQuest- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Data Policy

Rev. 2/4/2023: ZOSU Zoo Demo No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 2-4-23: ZOSU Zoo Demo - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.





Data Policy

Rev. 12-2-22: Jungle Passthrough No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. as applicable. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 12-2-22: Jungle Passthrough - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.



Data Policy

Rev. 11-22-22: Zoo + Ocean Handtracking ZOSU Passthrough No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 11-22-22: Zoo + Ocean Handtracking ZOSU Passthrough - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.




Data Policy

Version 11-08-2022: ZOSU Zoo Home Passthrough Demo: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 11-08-22: ZOSU Zoo Home Passthrough Demo - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.






Data Policy

Version 11-08-2022: Ocean Passthrough: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 11-08-22 Ocean Passthrough - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.





Data Policy

Version 11-4-22-2022: ZOSU Zoo Home Passthrough: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 

Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 11-04-22 ZOSU Zoo Home Passthrough - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.


All Other

Data Policies:


Version 10-27-22-2022: Quest/App Lab-Zoo Home Mixed Reality: Hand Tracking Animal Placement - ZOSU Demo: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Version 10-25-22-2022: Quest/App Lab-Zoo Home Mixed Reality: Hand Tracking Animal Placement - ZOSU: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Version 8-30-2022: Quest2/App Lab-ZOSU Castle Morgue Escape: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Version 8-30-2022: Quest2/App Lab-ZOSU Castle Morgue Escape Demo: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Version 8-13-2022: Quest2/App Lab-VR Gallery ZOSU Smash: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Version 7-15-2022: Quest2/App Lab-Pastel Gallery: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Quest2/App Lab-ZOSULand 20ZZ Demo: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Quest2/App Lab-ZOSU Ocean: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Quest2/App Lab-ZOSU Ocean Demo: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Quest2/App Lab-ZOSU Zoo: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 


Oculus Rift/PCVR-ZOSU Explosive Bow Hunt: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission ) 


Oculus Rift/PCVR-ZOSU Ocean: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission ) 

Quest2/App Lab-ZOSULand 20ZZ: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Oculus automatically collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it). contact with any questions or request for data privacy and removal (no collected data to remove, this is a checkbox item in the app submission to App Lab) 

GooglePlayStore-ZOSULand 8x Adventure Arcade Application: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Googleplay store automatically collects or settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved locally to the device with the app. is not transmitted from the app. (it stays on your device and we never see it) 

 GooglePlayStore-ZOSULand 8x Adventure Arcade Application: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what the Googleplay store automatically collects or settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved locally to the device with the app. is not transmitted from the app. (it stays on your device and we never see it) & wix: data automatically collected by wix is used only for internal use, as applicable (whatever wix collects is not shared by ZOSU Studios LLC).

itch . io-ZOSULand 20ZZ: No data is retrieved, stored, or retained other than what itch . io collects as well as settings, scores, and other playerpref data that is only saved by the app. (settings, scores stay on your device and ZOSU Studios never see it) 



Terms of service / terms and conditions


Rev. 11-04-22 ZOSU Zoo Home Passthrough - sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.



Rev. 10-27-22 Zoo Home Mixed Reality Hand Tracking Animal Placement - ZOSU Demo- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.


Rev. 8-30-2022 On Oculus, ZOSU Castle Morgue Escape- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.


Rev. 8-30-2022 On Oculus, ZOSU Castle Morgue Escape Demo- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.


Rev. 10-25-22 Zoo Home Mixed Reality Hand Tracking Animal Placement - ZOSU- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.

Rev. 8-13-2022 On Oculus, VR Gallery ZOSU Smash- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.


ZOSU Ocean and ZOSU Bow Hunt through viveport and related services,

rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. revision 6/21/22-

User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC , nor affiliates, shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.

Quest2/App Lab-Pastel Gallery:--rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. revision, Revision July 15 2022: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.

Below this point - History summary,

rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. revision  revised5/23/2022 (added ZOSULand 20ZZ and Quest2 prefix to various to clarify Quest2 is for App Lab)(revision for all terms and service below this line)



Quest2/App Lab-ZOSULand 20ZZ Demo: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 


Quest2/App Lab-ZOSU Ocean: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 


Quest2/App Lab-ZOSU Ocean Demo: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use. rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 


Quest2/App Lab-ZOSU Ocean Zoo: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.


Oculus Rift/PCVR- ZOSU Explosive Bow Hunt: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use.


Quest2/Oculus Rift/PCVR- ZOSU Ocean: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use. rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 


Quest2/App Lab-ZOSULand 20ZZ: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use. rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 


Quest2/Rift/PCVR-ZOSULand 20ZZ: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use. rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 

itch . io -ZOSU Ocean/ZOSULand 20ZZ: User uses at own risk to themselves and their property, ZOSU Studios LLC shall not be liable to any harm caused directly or indirectly from the application and its use. rev July 28 2022 update- sale of game is "as-is" and ongoing support and updates are not guaranteed. 


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©2021 by ZOSU Studios LLC

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